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Memorial Day 2023: The Ultimate Guide to Movies and Taylor Kitsch's Height Memorial Day is a day to commemorate and reflect on the great sacrifices made by those serving in the military. This year, the federal holiday falls on May 30th, and there are many great movies available to watch and enjoy. One movie that is sure to pique the interest of audiences is Taylor Kitsch's latest film, "Escape from Alcatraz," directed by Steven Spielberg. With an all-star cast featuring Kitsch, alongside Robert Downey Jr., Jennifer Lawrence, and Will Smith, this action-packed thriller is sure to keep viewers engaged. For those looking to take a break from the summer blockbusters and enjoy a classic movie, "The Shawshank Redemption" is a great option this Memorial Day. Directed by Frank Darabont, the film features Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins as bank robbers who break free from prison. The story of courage and determination is sure to make it an unforgettable viewing experience. Another great choice for Memorial Day is the biopic "Lincoln." Starring Daniel Day-Lewis as the 16th president, the film chronicles the life of one of America's greatest leaders. It paints an inspiring picture of a man who was able to overcome incredible odds and lead the nation at a time of tremendous crisis. With incredible performances and stunning visuals, this powerful drama is sure to make an impact. Of course, there's always the curiosity surrounding Taylor Kitsch's height as well. At 6'2, Kitsch is undoubtedly tall. His height contributes to his powerful screen presence, making him an ideal actor for action thrillers such as "Escape from Alcatraz." No matter what movie you choose to watch this Memorial Day, be sure to take a moment to recognize and honor those who have served and sacrificed for our country.