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"Charlie Hunnam Height" Earns Daughter Eve Hewson an Oscar Wilde Award Eve Hewson, the daughter of music legend Bono, has been honored as rising star at this year's Oscar Wilde Awards. Notable for her height of 5'10" and her incredible acting talent, Eve was both excited and humbled to accept the prestigious award. The event, held in Los Angeles on Thursday night, was well attended by actors, directors and producers, along with family and friends of the honorees. Standing in the spotlight, Eve was visibly moved to receive the award and thanked those who have supported her career. The award was especially meaningful for Eve, given her father's presence. Bono was practically in tears as his daughter accepted the honor, having achieved a great milestone in her career. He spoke of Eve's drive and ambition, and how she has always pushed herself beyond her "Charlie Hunnam height" to pursue her passion. Eve also paid homage to her father, saying without his support she wouldn't have been able to fulfill her dreams and reach the heights she has in her acting career. The touching moment was one of many during the night that moved the audience, and perfectly encapsulates the bond between the two.